They’re Killing Us, Lying About it, and Trying to Hide it
In a Dec 8, 2015 New York Times feature titled Trudeau’s Canada, Again, Justin Trudeau was quoted:
“There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,’’ …. ‘‘There are shared values — openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first postnational state.”
That was just months after 192 countries around the world signed on to the United Nations 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development.
It’s also when the dying started…
It Didn’t Start With Covid
Alarmed by our governments’ response to the COVID-19 plandemic and news of increases in Deaths From Unknown Causes, I began digging deeply into the publicly available raw death data from Canada and the United States.
What I found shocked me. When deaths are analyzed by 5-year age groups, sex and cause, These things become apparent:
- Old people have been dying at the same, or lower rates than during our “Old Normal”
- Young people have been dying at much higher rates since 2015
- The reporting of deaths from 2020 onward are either fraudulent or hidden
- People need to know that they are killing us and hiding it
The Mission:
- To compel our governments to immediately conduct public enquiries into increased death rates.
- To find and display the age, sex and cause of every death occurring in the western nations. This information exposes the crimes.
- To establish our “OLD NORMAL” as the decades preceding 2015 and their “NEW Normal” as 2015 onward.
Before they pull another plandemic, it is essential for the general public to be made aware of this information. They are killing us and hiding it. It’s time people begin asking :
“D’FUC is going on?”
Join in the battle to collect and display this information for every jurisdiction in the western world.
#Nuremberg2 BEFORE #Plandemic2