Donation Disclaimer

Until the globalist demons and their co-conspirators like Justin Trudeau and Teresa Tam launched their little “plandemic” on societies around the world, I was trying to build an on-site IT business. I’ve never had any interest in starting a charity. I still don’t. It’s not like any organization dedicated to seeing Justin, Teresa and their counterparts world-wide on trial for their crimes against humanity would pass the Turd’s “values test” anyhow.

Nevertheless, working to prevent this going past the point of no return has consumed my every waking moment since both the enormity and certainty of the threat facing us became clear to me.

Any donations will be charged as a Service Fee from The Common Lore. The money will be used to cover my hosting and development and advertising costs and to help wake people up as fast as possible.

God Bless you all. This is a battle of good versus evil. For all their models, predictions and scenario-planning, their Godless vision of a perverted Utopia led to their failure to account for the power of the Human Spirit, and indeed, of God Himself. We will prevail.

Randy McGuire
Creator of D’FUC?