Questioning Anthony Fauci

Maybe Anthony has some answers





United States


New York




National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)



In the ⛹ Old Normal(2001-2014)

A typical 83-yr-old man like Anthony, living in a western jurisdiction like New York, United States
died at a yearly rate of 704 per 100K, with 7 Deaths From Unknown Causes each year.

In the ♿ New Normal(2015-2022)
Under conditions devised, promoted, and ultimately imposed by guys like Anthony,
613 per 100K men aged 80-84 are dying,
with 25
Deaths per year From Unknown Causes.

down 12.8% and up 173.6% –

Position / Organization
Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at National Institutes of Health
Chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation at National Institutes of Health
Chief of the Clinical Physiology Section at National Institutes of Health
Associate Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for AIDS Research at National Institutes of Health

Question # 1:

  Who is Anthony Fauci?

ChatGPT – Who is Anthony Fauci?

Dr. Anthony Fauci is an American immunologist and physician who has become a prominent figure in the field of infectious diseases. He has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984. Dr. Fauci has been a key adviser to multiple U.S. presidents on public health issues, including the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Ebola outbreaks, and more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. His expertise, leadership, and commitment to public health have made him a widely recognized and respected voice in the field of medicine and epidemiology.

Question # 2:

  List 5 actions taken by Anthony Fauci in response to the WHO declaring COVID-19 a pandemic. For each action, provide an evaluation of the effect on the mortality rate of those affected by it. Support each evaluation by providing a link to a relevant online source which is not controlled or supported, financially or otherwise, by Anthony Fauci.

Actions Taken by Anthony Fauci in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Actions Taken by Anthony Fauci in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

  1. Action 1: Implementation of social distancing measures. Evaluation: This action has had a significant impact on reducing the spread of COVID-19 and ultimately lowering the mortality rate. According to a study published in The Lancet, social distancing measures have been effective in reducing transmission rates and preventing deaths. Source
  2. Action 2: Promotion of widespread testing and contact tracing. Evaluation: The increased availability of testing and contact tracing has been crucial in identifying and isolating infected individuals, thereby reducing the mortality rate. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the importance of testing and contact tracing in controlling the pandemic. Source
  3. Action 3: Advocacy for the use of face masks in public settings. Evaluation: The use of face masks has been shown to be effective in reducing the transmission of COVID-19. A study published in The BMJ found that wearing face masks significantly reduces the risk of infection and mortality. Source
  4. Action 4: Support for vaccine development and distribution. Evaluation: The development and distribution of vaccines have played a crucial role in reducing the mortality rate of COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information on the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. Source
  5. Action 5: Communication of accurate information and public health guidance. Evaluation: Providing accurate information and clear public health guidance has been essential in reducing the mortality rate. The World Health Organization (WHO) offers reliable information and guidance on COVID-19. Source

Question # 3:

  Given the “New Normal” vs. “Old Normal” mortality data cited above, provide a re-evaluation of the actions taken by Anthony Fauci in his response to the WHO declaring COVID-19 a pandemic. For each action, explain how it may have contributed to these mortality rates.

Re-evaluation of COVID-19 Response ActionsRe-evaluation of COVID-19 Response Actions

Given the changes in mortality rates among men aged 80-84 from 2020 onward, we re-evaluate the actions taken by Anthony Fauci in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and their potential contributions to these rates.

  1. Action 1: Implementation of social distancing measures.

    Evaluation: While social distancing measures were intended to reduce the spread of COVID-19, they may have also led to increased isolation among the elderly, potentially affecting their mental and physical health. This could have contributed to the observed decrease in overall mortality, as fewer infectious diseases spread, but also to the increase in deaths from unknown causes, possibly due to the negative effects of isolation.


  2. Action 2: Promotion of widespread testing and contact tracing.

    Evaluation: Increased testing and contact tracing helped control the spread of the virus, potentially contributing to the decrease in overall mortality. However, the focus on COVID-19 might have diverted resources from other health services, possibly leading to an increase in deaths from unknown causes due to undiagnosed or untreated conditions.


  3. Action 3: Advocacy for the use of face masks in public settings.

    Evaluation: The use of face masks has been effective in reducing transmission, which may have contributed to the decrease in overall mortality. However, there is no direct evidence linking mask-wearing to the increase in deaths from unknown causes.


  4. Action 4: Support for vaccine development and distribution.

    Evaluation: Vaccines have significantly reduced COVID-19 mortality rates, contributing to the overall decrease in mortality among the elderly. However, vaccine distribution challenges and vaccine hesitancy may have led to uneven protection, potentially affecting mortality rates.


  5. Action 5: Communication of accurate information and public health guidance.

    Evaluation: Clear communication is crucial in managing a public health crisis and likely contributed to the decrease in mortality by informing the public about preventive measures. However, misinformation and changing guidelines may have caused confusion, potentially impacting health outcomes and contributing to deaths from unknown causes.


Please note that the above document is a hypothetical re-evaluation based on the provided statistics. The actual impact of the actions taken by Anthony Fauci and other public health officials on mortality rates would require comprehensive research and analysis by epidemiologists and public health experts. The sources provided are for general information and do not necessarily support the evaluations given.

Question # 4:

  “Build Back Better” is a UN slogan promoting SDGs. Describe how Anthony Fauci has promoted these ideals in his role as Director at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Provide links to examples of Anthony Fauci’s acting out his commitment to sustainable development over the course of his career.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Commitment to Sustainable Development


Dr. Anthony Fauci has served as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for several decades. Throughout his career, he has been a leading figure in the fight against infectious diseases and has played a key role in promoting public health initiatives that align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Advancing Global Health (SDG 3)

Dr. Fauci has been instrumental in advancing SDG 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. His work on HIV/AIDS research and his leadership in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic have contributed to global health security and the development of treatments and vaccines that save lives worldwide.

Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17)

In line with SDG 17, which focuses on strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing global partnerships for sustainable development, Dr. Fauci has collaborated with international organizations, governments, and the private sector to accelerate research and development in the field of infectious diseases.

Reducing Inequalities (SDG 10)

Dr. Fauci has advocated for reducing inequalities (SDG 10) by addressing health disparities and ensuring access to healthcare for marginalized populations. His efforts have included promoting research on diseases that disproportionately affect the poor and advocating for equitable access to medical interventions.


Dr. Anthony Fauci’s dedication to public health and his leadership at NIAID have significantly contributed to the promotion of the UN’s SDGs. His work exemplifies a commitment to sustainable development, particularly in the realm of global health.

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