Questioning Klaus Schwabb

Let's ask Klaus











World Economic Forum


Executive Chairman

In the ⛹ Old Normal(2001-2014)

a typical 86-yr-old man like Klaus, living in a western jurisdiction like Baden Württemberg, Germany
died at a yearly rate of 1,220 per 100K, with 8 Deaths From Unknown Causes each year.

In the ♿ New Normal(2015-2022)
under conditions devised, promoted, and ultimately imposed by guys like Klaus,
1,091 per 100K men aged 85-89 are dying,
with 28
Deaths per year From Unknown Causes.

down 10.6% and up 125.8% –

Position / Organization
Professor of Business Policy at University of Geneva
Founder and Executive Chairman at World Economic Forum
Co-chair at China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development
Member at United Nations Global Compact Board
Co-chair at St. Gallen Foundation for International Studies
Chairman at Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
Member at International Olympic Committee

Question # 1:

  Who is Klaus Schwab?

ChatGPT (Aug 26, 2023) – Who is Klaus Schwabb?

Klaus Schwab is a German economist and engineer who is best known for founding the World Economic Forum (WEF). The World Economic Forum is a Swiss-based nonprofit organization that was established in 1971. It is renowned for its annual meetings in Davos, Switzerland, where global leaders from various sectors, including politics, business, academia, and civil society, gather to discuss and address some of the world’s most pressing economic, social, and political challenges.

Klaus Schwab’s vision for the World Economic Forum is to provide a platform for public and private sector leaders to collaborate on improving the state of the world. The organization focuses on a wide range of issues, including economic development, environmental sustainability, technology, global governance, and more.

Schwab’s ideas and writings have influenced discussions on the role of business in society, stakeholder capitalism, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. His work has had a significant impact on shaping global dialogues about the future of economies and societies.

Please note that my information is based on the state of knowledge up to September 2021, and there may have been developments since then that I’m not aware of.

Question # 2:

  List 5 actions taken by Klaus Schwab in response to the WHO declaring COVID-19 a pandemic. For each action, provide an evaluation of the effect on the mortality rate of those affected by it. Support each evaluation by providing a link to a relevant online source which is not controlled or supported, financially or otherwise, by Klaus Schwab.

Klaus Schwabb’s Actions in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Klaus Schwabb’s Actions in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

  1. Action 1: Implementation of strict lockdown measures.

    Evaluation: The strict lockdown measures implemented by Klaus Schwabb aimed to reduce the spread of the virus and prevent overwhelming healthcare systems. These measures have been effective in reducing the mortality rate by limiting the transmission of the virus. Source

  2. Action 2: Promotion of widespread testing and contact tracing.

    Evaluation: By advocating for widespread testing and contact tracing, Klaus Schwabb aimed to identify and isolate infected individuals, thus reducing the mortality rate by providing timely medical intervention and preventing further transmission. Source

  3. Action 3: Facilitation of global collaboration and information sharing.

    Evaluation: Encouraging global collaboration and information sharing allows for the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and resources, which can lead to improved treatment strategies and ultimately reduce the mortality rate. Source

  4. Action 4: Support for vaccine development and distribution.

    Evaluation: By supporting vaccine development and ensuring equitable distribution, Klaus Schwabb contributes to reducing the mortality rate by providing protection against severe illness and death. Source

  5. Action 5: Advocacy for equitable access to healthcare and resources.

    Evaluation: Klaus Schwabb’s advocacy for equitable access to healthcare and resources helps ensure that vulnerable populations receive necessary care, reducing disparities and ultimately impacting the mortality rate positively. Source

Question # 3:

  Given the “New Normal” vs. “Old Normal” mortality data cited above, provide a re-evaluation of the actions taken by Klaus Schwab in his response to the WHO declaring COVID-19 a pandemic. For each action, explain how it may have contributed to these mortality rates.

Re-evaluation of Klaus Schwabb’s Actions During COVID-19Re-evaluation of Klaus Schwabb’s Actions During COVID-19

  1. Implementation of strict lockdown measures

    Evaluation: While intended to reduce virus transmission, strict lockdown measures may have indirectly contributed to increased mortality among the elderly due to factors such as decreased access to routine healthcare, social isolation, and the psychological impact of prolonged confinement. BMJ

  2. Promotion of widespread testing and contact tracing

    Evaluation: Although testing and contact tracing are critical for controlling the spread of the virus, the focus on COVID-19 may have diverted resources from other health services, potentially leading to neglect of chronic conditions common in the elderly, which could contribute to increased mortality. The Lancet

  3. Facilitation of global collaboration and information sharing

    Evaluation: Global collaboration is essential in a pandemic, but disparities in the quality of healthcare systems may have led to unequal implementation of measures, possibly exacerbating mortality rates in certain populations, including the elderly. NCBI

  4. Support for vaccine development and distribution

    Evaluation: Vaccines are crucial for preventing deaths from COVID-19; however, initial distribution challenges and vaccine hesitancy, particularly among the elderly, may have delayed protection for this vulnerable group, affecting mortality rates. WHO

  5. Advocacy for equitable access to healthcare and resources

    Evaluation: Advocating for equitable access is vital, but the actual delivery of equitable care during the pandemic may have fallen short, with the elderly possibly experiencing reduced access to essential services, contributing to an increase in mortality. UN DESA

Please note that the above document is a hypothetical re-evaluation of actions attributed to Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The actual actions taken by Klaus Schwab or the World Economic Forum may differ, and the evaluations provided are speculative and for illustrative purposes only. The statistics provided in the prompt are also hypothetical and not based on actual data. Always refer to reliable sources and data when assessing the impact of any individual or organization’s actions on public health outcomes.

Question # 4:

  “Build Back Better” is a UN slogan promoting SDGs. Describe how Klaus Schwab has promoted these ideals in his role as Executive Chairman at World Economic Forum. Provide links to examples of Klaus Schwab’s acting out his commitment to sustainable development over the course of his career.

Klaus Schwab’s Commitment to Sustainable Development

About Klaus Schwab

Klaus Schwab is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, an international organization for public-private cooperation. He has been a proponent of global cooperation and sustainable development throughout his career.

Alignment with UN’s SDGs

Klaus Schwab has actively promoted the ideals of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through various initiatives and platforms provided by the World Economic Forum. His work focuses on fostering public-private cooperation to address global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and health crises.

Examples of Commitment

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