
Whereas, world leaders in government and industry, having declared a “New Normal” in early 2020, and having remained adamant in their insistence that humanity must never return to some unspecified “Old Normal”, the mission of DFUC is to:

  • Establish an objective, measurable definition for humanity’s “Old Normal”. Hitherto undefined, the term has nonetheless been identified by proponents of “The Great Reset” as a set of conditions to which humanity must never return.
  • Collect and display the age, sex and cause for every death which has occurred between the years 2001 to present, in the nations comprising what was once considered to be the “Free West”.
  • Suggest, based on either the data itself or on the difficulties encountered obtaining it, that those continuing to insist on a “New Normal”, along with their promotion of its various public health, public sex and public shaming rituals, are not doing so for the benefit of humanity.
  • Develop the art of “Post-modern demo-factualism”, where artists juxtapose the mindless utterances of the ideologically-possessed with purely statistical representations of their deadly consequences.