838 of 838 total deaths would have been expected under Old Normal conditions.
94 excess deaths from All Causes in 2022.
169 excess deaths from All Causes (2015-2022)
Deaths – All Causes – Male – Aged 55-59 | Alberta, Canada
Population – Male – Aged 55-59 – [2001-2022] | Alberta, Canada
“Of course deaths are going up, we have an aging population.“
That’s why we look at 5-year age groups.
The main thing about men aged 55-59, is that although they’re not always the same people, they ARE always aged 55-59.
“Yeah, but the population is growing. That’s why there are more deaths.“
Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t; which is why we should focus on death RATES.
How many men aged 55-59 were there?
How many of them died from All Causes?
100% control for population growth.
Deaths/100,000 male 55-59 from All Causes
There is no argument that we have an aging population, or that as population increases, so do deaths.
But what if the increased deaths aren’t among the elderly?
What if it’s younger people who have been dying at ever-increasing rates since 2015 while the elderly are dying at similar, or even lower rates than the did prior to 2015?
Thanks to the New Normal™, brought to you by cult-of-death members like Jason Kenney and his globalist buddies, this is exactly what we are seeing.
That’s why it’s important to use actual government data, look at it in 5-year age brackets, and compare death rates before the UN’s 2015 adoption of The 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development, to the death rates following it’s adoption.
17,700 of the 17,700 deaths among men of all ages living in Alberta in 2022 were from All Causes (100.00% of all deaths).
This is up 30% compared to Old Normal (2001-2014) rates which, when applied to the this year's male population of 2,282,015 men would have predicted 13,601 deaths from All Causes.
This means there were 4,099 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men of all ages living in Alberta in 2022.
To date, 14,314 male lives have been lost to All Causes over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Browse through the age categories below to learn how these deaths from All Causes in 2022 are distributed among each age group of males in Alberta.
Click the bar graph above to see how both the 2022 loss of 4,099 lives and the 8-year loss of 14,314 male lives from All Causes is arrived at.
The first 164 of the 17,700 deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among pre-school boys aged 0-4, accounting for 99.99% of the 164 total deaths in this group.
This is down 13% compared to Old Normal rates which, when applied to this year's population of 131,584 pre-school boys aged 0-4, would have predicted 188 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 24 fewer deaths than expected from All Causes among pre-school boys aged 0-4 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 1,238 deaths from All Causes represent 324 lives saved among pre-school boys aged 0-4 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how both the 2022 total of 24 fewer live lost than expected and the 8 year total of 1238 lives saved from All Causes among pre-school boys aged 0-4 is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 164 / 17,700
The next 17 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among boys aged 5-9, accounting for 99.94% of the 17 total deaths in this group.
This is down 15% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 145,290 boys aged 5-9, would have predicted 18 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 1 fewer deaths than expected from All Causes among boys aged 5-9 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 111 deaths from All Causes represent 32 lives saved among boys aged 5-9 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 1 fewer and the 8 year total of 111 fewer male aged 5-9 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 181 / 17,700
The next 23 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among boys aged 10-14, accounting for 99.96% of the 23 total deaths in this group.
This is up 2% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 146,787 boys aged 10-14, would have predicted 21 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 2 more deaths than expected from All Causes among boys aged 10-14 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 148 deaths from All Causes represent 6 lives saved among boys aged 10-14 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 2 more and the 8 year total of 148 more male aged 10-14 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 204 / 17,700
The next 89 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among teen-aged boys aged 15-19, accounting for 99.99% of the 89 total deaths in this group.
This is down 5% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 137,172 teen-aged boys aged 15-19, would have predicted 92 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 3 fewer deaths than expected from All Causes among teen-aged boys aged 15-19 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 613 deaths from All Causes represent 88 lives saved among teen-aged boys aged 15-19 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 3 fewer and the 8 year total of 613 fewer male aged 15-19 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 293 / 17,700
The next 167 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among men aged 20-24, accounting for 99.99% of the 167 total deaths in this group.
This is up 16% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 145,314 men aged 20-24, would have predicted 142 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 25 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men aged 20-24 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 1,201 deaths from All Causes represent 69 lives lost among men aged 20-24 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 25 more and the 8 year total of 1,201 more male aged 20-24 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 460 / 17,700
The next 283 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among men aged 25-29, accounting for 100.00% of the 283 total deaths in this group.
This is up 99% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 158,507 men aged 25-29, would have predicted 141 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 142 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men aged 25-29 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 1,878 deaths from All Causes represent 698 lives lost among men aged 25-29 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 142 more and the 8 year total of 1,878 more male aged 25-29 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 743 / 17,700
The next 348 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among men aged 30-34, accounting for 100.00% of the 348 total deaths in this group.
This is up 105% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 180,344 men aged 30-34, would have predicted 168 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 180 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men aged 30-34 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 2,246 deaths from All Causes represent 901 lives lost among men aged 30-34 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 180 more and the 8 year total of 2,246 more male aged 30-34 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 1,091 / 17,700
The next 438 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among men aged 35-39, accounting for 100.00% of the 438 total deaths in this group.
This is up 90% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 187,600 men aged 35-39, would have predicted 228 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 210 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men aged 35-39 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 2,471 deaths from All Causes represent 777 lives lost among men aged 35-39 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 210 more and the 8 year total of 2,471 more male aged 35-39 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 1,529 / 17,700
The next 447 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among men aged 40-44, accounting for 100.00% of the 447 total deaths in this group.
This is up 53% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 171,267 men aged 40-44, would have predicted 291 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 156 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men aged 40-44 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 2,523 deaths from All Causes represent 397 lives lost among men aged 40-44 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 156 more and the 8 year total of 2,523 more male aged 40-44 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 1,976 / 17,700
The next 487 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among men aged 45-49, accounting for 100.00% of the 487 total deaths in this group.
This is up 23% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 150,903 men aged 45-49, would have predicted 396 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 91 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men aged 45-49 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 3,174 deaths from All Causes represent 139 lives lost among men aged 45-49 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 91 more and the 8 year total of 3,174 more male aged 45-49 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 2,463 / 17,700
The next 596 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among men aged 50-54, accounting for 100.00% of the 596 total deaths in this group.
This is up 6% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 140,208 men aged 50-54, would have predicted 559 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 37 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men aged 50-54 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 4,564 deaths from All Causes represent 76 lives lost among men aged 50-54 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 37 more and the 8 year total of 4,564 more male aged 50-54 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 3,059 / 17,700
The next 932 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among men aged 55-59, accounting for 100.00% of the 932 total deaths in this group.
This is up 11% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 136,874 men aged 55-59, would have predicted 838 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 94 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men aged 55-59 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 7,077 deaths from All Causes represent 169 lives lost among men aged 55-59 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 94 more and the 8 year total of 7,077 more male aged 55-59 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 3,991 / 17,700
The next 1,378 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among men aged 60-64, accounting for 100.00% of the 1,378 total deaths in this group.
This is up 5% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 135,357 men aged 60-64, would have predicted 1,309 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 69 more deaths than expected from All Causes among men aged 60-64 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 9,381 deaths from All Causes represent 314 lives saved among men aged 60-64 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 69 more and the 8 year total of 9,381 more male aged 60-64 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 5,369 / 17,700
The next 1,717 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among elderly men aged 65-69, accounting for 100.00% of the 1,717 total deaths in this group.
This is down 4% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 115,042 elderly men aged 65-69, would have predicted 1,785 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 68 fewer deaths than expected from All Causes among elderly men aged 65-69 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 10,896 deaths from All Causes represent 1,129 lives saved among elderly men aged 65-69 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 68 fewer and the 8 year total of 10,896 fewer male aged 65-69 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 7,086 / 17,700
The next 1,980 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among elderly men aged 70-74, accounting for 100.00% of the 1,980 total deaths in this group.
This is down 6% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 83,054 elderly men aged 70-74, would have predicted 2,099 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 119 fewer deaths than expected from All Causes among elderly men aged 70-74 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 12,163 deaths from All Causes represent 1,731 lives saved among elderly men aged 70-74 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 119 fewer and the 8 year total of 12,163 fewer male aged 70-74 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 9,066 / 17,700
The next 2,074 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among elderly men aged 75-79, accounting for 100.00% of the 2,074 total deaths in this group.
This is down 10% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 55,525 elderly men aged 75-79, would have predicted 2,313 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 239 fewer deaths than expected from All Causes among elderly men aged 75-79 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 12,876 deaths from All Causes represent 2,190 lives saved among elderly men aged 75-79 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 239 fewer and the 8 year total of 12,876 fewer male aged 75-79 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 11,140 / 17,700
The next 2,094 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among elderly men aged 80-84, accounting for 100.00% of the 2,094 total deaths in this group.
This is down 11% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 33,354 elderly men aged 80-84, would have predicted 2,348 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 254 fewer deaths than expected from All Causes among elderly men aged 80-84 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 14,464 deaths from All Causes represent 2,131 lives saved among elderly men aged 80-84 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 254 fewer and the 8 year total of 14,464 fewer male aged 80-84 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 13,234 / 17,700
The next 2,162 of the 17,700 male deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among elderly men aged 85-89, accounting for 100.00% of the 2,162 total deaths in this group.
This is down 4% compared to Old Normal rates. Those rates, applied to this year's population of 18,482 elderly men aged 85-89, would have predicted 2,255 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 93 fewer deaths than expected from All Causes among elderly men aged 85-89 living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 15,057 deaths from All Causes represent 1,780 lives saved among elderly men aged 85-89 over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the both the 2022 total of 93 fewer and the 8 year total of 15,057 fewer male aged 85-89 deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
Yearly All Causes Tally: 15,396 / 17,700
The next 2,300 of the 17,700 deaths from All Causes in 2022 were among elderly men aged 90+, accounting for 100.00% of the 2,300 total deaths in this group.
This is up 6% compared to Old Normal rates which, when applied to this year's population of 9,351 would have predicted 2,171 deaths from All Causes this year.
This means there were 129 more deaths than expected from All Causes among elderly men aged 90+ living in Alberta in 2022.
Overall, 14,646 deaths from All Causes represent 553 lives saved among elderly men aged 90+ over the first 8 years of Alberta's New Normal™.
Click the bar graph above to see how the 8 year total of 14,646 excess male deaths from All Causes is arrived at.
When we do this, we find that everything Jason Kenney and his globalist buddies have been telling us is untrue.
The truth is, old folks and young children – those they claimed in 2020 to have been shutting down our societies for, are the least affected groups.
While it was the “plandemic” which brought the phenomenon of excess deaths into public awareness, the deadly trend itself started in 2015, with young men and women aged 20-45 being it’s main victims and Deaths From Unknown Causes being its leading cause.